ok- so i have been keeping myself busy while i am waiting for a placement. i have been making crafts, most are gifts- here they are
this is for my car (for the trip to OKC)- it hold notebook, pencils, game boys ect-

this is what i call a "boy box" decorated, "laminated", and filled with safety goggles, Tape measure, a snake skin, a Geo to break open, and a friendship bracelet.

this is Lucca's purple cat she wanted for christmas

this is what goes in the "Girl boxes"- homemade, playdough, homemade chalk, homemade crayons, a homemade notebook, and a monster ball

close up of chalk


crayons, notebook

a boo-boo bag for my house (filled with rice, kept in freezer)

two heat/cold therapy bags for family members

that's what i have so far!!!!
i will post more as i make it!