ok..so we show up at the hospital at 6:40 am-right on time. sebastian is in quite a plesant mood , despite having been woken up about two hours early and denied food, water and NURSING since midnight the night before.
this pict is from the first waiting room.

this is the second waiting room- they ad a TV and sesame street was on- joy of joys!

this is our "room"- really just another waiting room. we were in this one over an hour- at first he was ok....

then he wants MILK ...NOW
then they come and take him away from me..lets just say that was adding insult to injury!

they brought him back a little y, very groogy and VERY grumpy!!!

at home it took awhile to get in an ok mood!
but it did happen :)
and he sleeping right now and has been for 3 hours!