Sunday, December 14, 2008


the dachshund rescue lady is coming tomorrow for a home be continued


Lovingmyamazinglife said...

You are getting 3 dogs?wow!I have 6,so what am I talking about???

I am thinking of making my blog private,so send me your email address so I can send you an invite,or you can request one if you go to my blog.

Jaguar Mama said...

Hey, totally not about dogs, but how do you get videos on your blog? Every time I try it says its uploading for like 1/2 an hour and then I give up. Is there some secret to it?

Liz said...

i load them from google (what you are doing), i have very good high speed and sometimes it take 15 minutes- i just open another tab to entertain myself in the interim. i also have a youtube account which i load videos to them post the HTML . this also takes awhile to load- try a shorter video :)