there are two things i have been thinking about yesterday and today.
the first is blessings, or more aptly what a believer sees as blessings. i have noticed in myself , and others, that believers count some things as blessings that the "world" does not.
- Things like a large family. In our culture (as i am sure anyone is aware) having more than two children is seen as a risky endeavour at best, a burden and drain at worst. But the believers i know find that EVERY child is a blessing, not just the first two, or the ones that come "at the right time".
- Things like a child born with special needs. Did you know that 9 out of 10 woman who find out they are having a baby born with Down's abort??
9 out of 10!
and these are woman who want a baby! yet they are willing to kill their own flesh and because it is not perfect... Yet i know, that for myself, i would count a child with that disability , or any other a blessing. and i know this is something God has wrought in my heart. With Kiryn and Lucca's pregnancy i was afraid of that exact outcome, yet now my heart is so soft to those children that, if my husband agreed, i would adopt a baby with Down's syndrome in a heartbeat. Funny the ways God shapes out hearts!
- things like . we count it a blessing for a believer , or a little child to pass on, as we know that for them-- they are now in the most wonderful place for all of eternity. we KNOW they have no more tears!! I am very sad in missing my darling baby . i ache for her...yet at the same time i rejoice! i know where she is, i have no doubt in my mind, no fear for her well being. i know she is safe and loved...and a mother knows these things. we know when our children are safe, even when we can't see them.
the other thing i have been thinking on is something my pastor said , that i want to pass on to you believers out there. he pointed out, that we do not need to cross the ocean to work in missions. as believers we are all called to be missionaries to everyone we are around. he said that if you are not seeing people changing and coming closer to God, you need to do a serious evaluation of yourself. We are lights to world, and people will know us by our fruits. when people see fruits, they are drawn closer to the Lord. it is a simple fact! like moths to a flame, we are drawn to light of God. if people are not drawing closer to God who are in your life, you need to find out why your light is being hid in a bushel!
Galations 5:
22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control.
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2 months ago
1 comment:
Thank you so much for this post. I agree, wholeheartedly!
I have been reading your blog, after reading your story on MDC. I appreciate your artwork, your candor, and your strength in Him.
My prayers go up daily for your family.
May God richly bless you, and continue to heal your broken heart.
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