Friday, August 27, 2010

the uphill battle

i am in the middle of writing so many letters, responding to requests for news articles, and preparing for the second go at the Midwifery review board that my head is spinning!
i just hope i can get my story across truthfully and successfully!

i had no idea i would ever be one of those political i was thrust into the middle of a hornets nest.

it would be so much easier to just turn away and shut my mouth, but that would not be standing up for my daughter, or protecting the countless numbers of babies to be born.

God, help me!


Katie said...

Prayers for you, Liz.

Michelle said...

I will pray for you Liz. May the Lord speak to the officials' hearts imparting the truth and may He bring about justice.

The Non-Monogamist said...

I cannot wait to see how your writing comes out. I'm sending you all the strength that I can muster. You will be able to do all of this.

LoveNeverFails said...

Liz, if you're interested in any help editing writing, I'm happy to help in any way I can. What you and Aquila suffered cannot stand, and I'll support you any way I can.


Unknown said...

it takes so much courage to do what you hear God is saying to do. thank you for this post. it has ministered to me! praying for you and baby girl daily!