Tuesday, November 9, 2010

my days in pictures

all day long, every day (well mostly) i am sitting here, in my spot on the couch. this is my view and what surrounds me. Willow spends about 45 minutes (or more) of every three hours eating and then i pump. the couch and i are well acquainted..

i am using an SNS to supplement replacing the bottles she was taking in order to get out of the NICU. She hates the tube, so if she fights it i use a nipple shield too..sigh
my view looking down.

my rented baby scale.i weigh her before and after each nursing session to ensure she gets enough.

ahhh, faithful old Bessie. always right there in front of me. i see you right in front of me all day. i use you about 8 times every day to make up for Willows inability to empty my breasts.

my books with handy answers to questions like "do i seriously have thrush again?" and " why is my daughter clicking while nursing? "


Jeanette said...

So much is familiar here, same books, same pump, similar view..
Thank you so much for the nipple shield/sns trick, I hadn't tried that yet,but certainly will. x

Fireflyforever said...

I've said the but the same to Jeanette but I think you are both stars for your determination to breastfeed your babies. I hope it gets easier soon for you and Willow - who is stunning.

Sahmmie said...

I had to pump around the clock for non-nursing, reflux babies, so I know how hard it is. You're a wonderful mom and you will look back with joy and self-satisfaction one day when little Willow no longer needs mother's milk, and you will never regret all that you've done for her. God bless you and your family!

staceyjw said...

She is beautiful! and look at all that pretty hair! My baby was bald- still is at 13 weeks. I also pumped relentlessly, but my son eats too much! he is 17# now :)
Your whole family is beautiful, you are very blessed with so many little ones.