so i found this online:
it was written by and ex-friend, ex-roomate (ex by her choosing, not mine)
anyhow, it is great reading, witty as she always was. but after reading it and listening to her gripe, i think of my days= i have 5 under 8!
i can barely string together coherant sentances, much less chronicle my whole day..
this from the lady who told me she didnt have time to give me copies of all the video she has of my oldes..did i mention this is the ONLY video that exsists of him before 5?
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2 months ago
Rick sure does loves him some Ron Paul.
Keelia sure does love congratulating herself, a conceit that Rick enables with his self-denigrating "This one is for them [stay-at-home homeschooling mothers] and the dads who annoy them." He needs to stop playing the simpering man-fool, grow a pair, and tell her to get down off of the eco-friendly planned-growth cross, say thank you for being provided the opportunity to make her chosen sacrifice, and drink an entire thermos of STFU!
Seriously, I cannot believe that she ever had the gall to call you a "princess." He annoys her, does he? Yes, it can be so annoying when a husband is closer to prince than serf, providing for a household and being a good parent at home. Annoying when you want to be the only member of royalty in the house, that is. Ritual supplication to Her Majesty St. Keelia the Wise will only make matters worse, in my opinion.
I can't believe that he would post some of this stuff from Keelia to his Ron Paul fanpage. Example 1:
... However, I have now started working from home, so I have his laptop set up in the corner between the mixing board and the amps. (Don't ask me why my three kids sleep on the floor in my room while my husband uses the only other bedroom in the house as his play room)
Hmm, that sounds like a strange scenario to just-kind-of-happen, who-knows-don't-ask. As I recall, she's a proponent of co-sleeping, and wants her kids there. So she unravels her scroll of Royal Edicts and informs Rick that all three children shall be sleeping in the Royal Buduoir, and the other bedroom shall be her office from which she shall conduct business during the day while homeschooling two children and caring for a baby at the same time. But then when he shrugs his assent and moves some of his stuff into the empty bedroom, it's a mystery to her why he should be allowed to share in the use of an empty bedroom when she and only she is saddled with three kids in "her" room. Also notice her phrase "my room". I suppose Rick sleeps next to the amps in the office?
Example 2:
The lives of five people are ready to spill over and upon all 600 sq ft of living space. How do the Japanese manage?
One, they do not homeschool. Two, stay-at-home-moms (or simply "moms" in Japanese) do not try to work from home while caring for a baby, or really any other time. 600 sq. ft. would be adequate if Keelia only had the baby with her and didn't try to work a business during the day. This isn't rocket science. Doing what she is trying to do requires more space and the financial independence to focus just on the homeschooling and child-rearing.
And why does she think that setting a 4 year old and 9 year old up with workbooks or videos and then "sneaking" into her office to work at the same time is ever going to work? She's having a hard time being a stay-at-home homeschooling mom because she's busily trying to do something else entirely. Her whole post is incident after incident as she attempts to remove herself from interaction with these three kids, and they attempt to get her attention. She might as well just put them in public school. Sheesh. Her problem with not being able to do it all is that she has a hard time accomplishing trials that she creates for herself that she believes would transition her from Princess to Queen. She's got mother approval issues big time.
But keep it up Rick, keep encouraging your wife with pats on the back and comments about how she's so great and you're so pitiful, and she is somehow special enough to transcend the real world limitations of energy and resources, able to separate herself from those other mere mortal women. Keep putting your children through the grinder of struggling to gain Keelia's approval and attention, just like she obviously did with her mother. Go ahead, Rick, and see how that works out for your children and your marriage.
And that is my opinion.
have i mentioned i love you lately?
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