well i got a text message last night saying:
"i have decided to quit breasfeeding , it's just not for me.."
LOL my instant thought was, "duh it's not for you, it's for the babies!"
but alas ..sigh
well at least those beautiful twins got 6 weeks of mama milk.
i am , of course dissapointed...
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2 months ago
You would do triplets?!
Your mad woman, mad, I say!
If they called me for twins again, I don't know...it would be tempting because of the cute factor, but dang......it's hard even going to the bathroom. :)
lol. i would do triplets, not ontop of my two already in diapers, but say we lost our sweetpea back to birth parents i would take twins. we cant be liscensed for any more than that, but if god blessed me with twins or triplets i would be thrilled!
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