Saturday, August 2, 2008


apparently i am a lactavist snob.. i think Angel's nursing will be done within the week, potentially the month. it's beyond frustrating for me. i know i shouldn't be judgemental, but this is HARD...
it just strikes me as ironic that here i am, with a baby i cannot nurse, but would LOVE to, and here she sits able to nurse, but not wanting to...


Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Your not a snob,just passionate about it.I know education and encouragment is key,nursing did not come naturally to me,I was super young teen,no role models,no help,it was SO painful to do,frustrating and I ended up stopping early on.Encourage her to death,give her tons of info,make sure shes comfortable.You have done your part.Wish I would have known you when I needed help.

Liz said...

i wish i could have helped too. i miss doing my old job- postpartum doula. i helped lots of mamas successfully BF the second time my advic eis more unsolicited! lol