well court is over. everything went (mostly) how i figured it would. everyone showed(except mom, as she is incarcerated) . i actually was able to stand up in front of the judge with everyone else, and speak. Grama turned in her homestudy (for adoption) paperwork over 2 weeks ago, and has not gotten even a call yet. she has already lined up childcare for sweetpea for when she returns to her care. i asked the judge to expedite the homestudy (meaning get on the ball and get it done within 30 days) because it in sweetpea's best interests to move quickly if she is going to be moved to gramas. there is no benefit in prolonging it. i also was able to get them to set up visits for grama, to which we (grama and me) got them to agree to let me be in the visit too, so sweetpea would not cry and could get to know grama in a nonstressfull way.
yikes. if she passes (which with what is going on with texas cps right now she almost undoubtedly will) my baby will be leaving my home within two months...
and on the other front (the teenager with child) the child's worker and her attorney were in court right behind us- we were there early and overheard them saying there names, so i introduced myself and got to hear more about the case. apparently teen is out of time and her mother will not give a PMC to the state (permanate managing consevitorship) and the state doesn't have enough to terminate, which means teen has to go home BUT baby cannot return home because grama isn't safe with baby . so, we might end up only getting baby . i hope not though, because it would be heartbreaking for teen mom who loves baby and is very devoted.
Wow. Just wow.
Praying for you guys.
Oh, wow.
thats exactly how i feel
dear liz, i've been thinking how truly blessed amber is for the loving and devoted care she has received from all of you. i am sorry if she leaves but what a deep impact you have had on her--you should be proud of yourself for providing that for her. her granma will love her a lot too and maybe will allow visits from you?
we are off to houston for a week of Quilt Fest. love to all rebekah
I am sad to hear this,really sorry for you all.I hope the move goes quickly atleast and easily for all of you.
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