Praise to the Lord of lords, King of kings! everytime i see this little sweet baby i am reminded of his miraculous works! how amazing is it that this baby will be be coming a short 11 months after Aquila? i could't bear the idea of another year without a baby, and look at how the Lord has blessed me...
(note- i am not in any way saying anything ment to hurt any of my dear babyloss mamas who have no concieved thier rainbow babies. i am praying for your blessings to hurry up! )
i am posting this because i just must give credit where credit is due. He is the giver of all good gifts. this baby, for however long she/he is here is truely a wonderful gift!
Psalm 104
33As long as I live,
I will sing and praise you,
the LORD God.
34I hope my thoughts
will please you,
because you are the one
who makes me glad.
Oh... I'm in love already, as I'm sure you are too! :) XO
Praise God! Congratulations on the little blessing growing inside you! :)
He is good!
SO sweet and YES! PRAISE HIM! I love the sono pictures. SO precious....
It just goes to show you, you can't possibly wrap your head around what is or isn't meant to me, none of us can. Why this one and not that one? Why? It's a useless question... there is always just this moment and our living it. I'm so glad you are blessed.
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