noticed quite a few hits where people are spending a good deal of time on here, reading several pages, but not leaving any comments. who are you ? curiosity killed the Liz....fill me in!
let me know where you found my blog and if you are a regular reader please :)
and while we are at it- does anyone have any questions? i would love to have an answer question post!
-if they are questions about Aquila's birth, please hold off. i am working on composing a full, detailed birth story- but i am waiting till after the review board for the midwife who "delivered" Aquila. so by the end of the month i am hoping to have it up.
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I have the same thing....hundreds of views each week, and maybe 1 or 2 comments. 29 followers. I agree....who are you??? Are you reading a lot? Do you like what you read? Is there anything I can do to increase the likelihood that you'll comment so I won't feel "watched" but alone?
Hope you get some answers! :o)
Lurker here...I check in weekly or so to see how you are doing. I am always praying for you ;o) I am so happy to see your pregnancy is going well ;o)
I figure between here and fb I get my comments in :) You know I'm around here and there. I'm curious if you have a name picked out or not? You don't have to say what it is. Just if you have an idea or not. Much love my dear.
I don't know if I qualify as a lurker, but I do keep up with your blog.
Love ya.
I'm a lurker... I followed you to your blog after you posted about your homebirth experience (I am so sorry) - I think was on Skeptical OB? So I came to read your story.
Now I am intrigued by your family and its mix of adoptive and now a bio kid, so that is why I am coming back. This is something that I am considering in the future so I'm living vicariously through you.
I have a question... how do you know that you have lurkers who've spent a lot of time on your blog? I want to know the same thing about mine but I have so much to learn about bloggy world.
I'm pretty sure you know I'm around too. I try and comment about every post. I hope you find out who some of your readers are! :)
I am also curious how it turns out with your "ex" midwife. I know her well and have heard of you and your story. I am skeptical of your facts and look forward to reading "your side" of the story.
I'm here and always reading... Just it's usually on my iPhone so it's hard to comment sometimes... But I'm here...
I think you know I'm here. x
I'm not sure how I found your blog. Congratulations on the new little one to be. I check in regularly to see how your are and hope there are some smiles and sunshine in your day.
big mama- who are you? why are you so skeptical of my facts? because i have not posted them? i have not posted them publicly because of the review board coming up. Faith has been told by me and other midwives what she did wrong. Maybe she has not told you? and maybe if she was running around telling everyone that i refused to transfer- which is a flat out lie- i would not need to post my story....i have 3 other adults who were at my birth whose story is the same as mine- i asked them there stories BEFORE saying the problems i had.
big mama- that would actually be 4 other adults- i forgot my
I found your blog through the blog Mothering Many Feet. I was captivated by your story and felt such pain for you. Now that you're expecting again I can't wait to "meet" the little one and read the joy in your voice as your family continues to grow. I am interested in the review board decision and hearing the rest of what happened.
Oh, and why did you have a hair braider show up? Can we see more pix of the hair braiding? I'm very very curious about that one.
Hi Liz -
I've been following your blog since shortly after you lost Aquila.
I wonder how your views on homebirth have or haven't changed because of your experience. What would you tell women who are considering a home birth?
I tried home birth with my daughter. We ended up transferring to the hospital because labor stalled but we were both fine. But now after experiencing losses and reading so many other people's tragic stories I can't even define my own views anymore. There's so much that can go wrong, but things usually go right (just not for me!) and the idea of a peaceful noninvasive birth for women who can have that is so wonderful. Very interested in your views.
Always hoping the best for you and yours.
your questions are great so far! keep um coming! i think i will post answers tomorrow sometime :)
Love you Liz, even when you don't hear from me.
Hi Liz!
I had read your story back in the winter on MDC. I visited your blog, and cried. My heart is still heavy with your story. However, I'm incredibly thankful for you and for your candidness.
I'm expecting our 6th child, and I've never yet faced the reality that mama's lose their children. It is a fact of life-dying, and spend a few months truly facing that reality, and it helped shape me and my views.
I've read many of the other blogs you link to, and feel such an immense connection to the mama's. I lost a baby at the end of the 1st trimester, but the pain of birth loss needs to be talked about! It's a reality, and I can't imagine keeping it hidden.
I don't post all the time, but I read whenever you have a new post.
God Bless you, and know you are prayed for and loved by someone you've never met.
I am a former homebirther, but now opt for hospital birth for a variety of reasons, including safety. My own views have changed on the subject, and I was curious if yours have. I found you via Amy Tuteur. I dislike Amy's strident tone and judgmental attitude on the one hand, but on the other I am starting to agree that homebirth with midwives who are not CNMs may pose more risks than hospital birth. God bless your family!
hi liz.
hi there...I found your blog through the AM group. I just have to say that I admire you and your strength. Not just through the loss of your precious Aquila but for being able to raise such beautiful children. I think it is amazing that even through rough times you still give other children a chance at a family and real love! You are an amazing woman!
Hi Liz, I've been following your story since you lost Aquila, too. I also "met you" on the AM group. I'm so happy for your new addition and I pray that you and she are healthy as possible. I do post comments from time to time, so you might know I'm following you already, but thought I would pipe up just in case :)
Hi Liz,
I found your blog through "The Lazy Seamstress."
I started reading her before Florence was born, when she wrote a sewing blog.
After Florence passed, I became really interested in other women's stories.
I have never had my own biological child, and never will. I have dealt with that grief.
I can't help, though, checking in with women who suffer a much great grief than I -- the grief of losing a child.
I'm a regular reader, Liz. I was one of the moderators of your Red Tent and have been following your blog since Aquila's birth. Powerful stuff here.
I'm not sure if my original comment posted or not, so I'll try this again.
I came across your blog this weekend, Liz from Skeptical OB, and was so sad to hear about the loss of your daughter. I have kept you and your family in my prayers. I just had a baby around the same time and had a lot of people urging a home birth, and your story makes me glad of the choice I made.
I would be interested to know which you prefer, an OB birth, or a hospital midwife birth, as I am considering going that route next time.
I was also reading a lot of different pages this weekend because I was laid up with a broken ankle, and my husband was determined to keep me on the couch. So, despite the fact that I have two kids under 18months, I have way to much time on my hands (and way too little, if that makes sense :))
I am a reader, I think of you and your family often, you are a amazing woman. I think I have left a comment before but am not sure. I am so sorry to hear about what you went through with your beautiful baby girl. I found your blog on I think hb is a beautiful thing, but am to scared living 30 minutes from a hospital and having a pph and shoulder dystocia under my belt. I had a friend who lives in the town I live in and had a pp with her last baby and were thankfully in the hospital and they both almost died. They were told their baby was brain dead but through prayer and a mircle from God he is perfectly fine. I hope you all the best with your pregnancy. God Bless you and your family. Katie
hi there. i'm a lurker. i check your blog, whenever it crosses my mind and both of my boys are napping... just to see how you're doing. last summer, our paths crossed at the dentist's office. you suggested i buy a skip-tote diaper bag (you got yours from ebay) and i did. it's been great to me. i wish you peace and a healthy, happy baby. take good care, mama.
I'm a lurker, I suppose. I'm not sure how I found your blog, but I remember spending a very late night breastfeeding and reading your story (I had just had my little boy on Nov. 13th) and doing a lot of crying and praying for you. Tobin is my first and I just had so many emotions at the time and just was (and still am) amazed by your strength. Keep carrying on. :) You're always in my prayers!
Hello, I am a lurker (but I have said hello before). I pop in to see how you are going and I wish you all the happiness in the world.
Also did you keep your hair covered as part of the grieving process? The braiding is gorgeous.
Take care of yourself and your family.
yes i covered my hair in mourning. i felt that i did not want to "show off" my hair after the funeral- in which i re-braided it for Aquila/
Amy posted a link to your blog on FB at the time of Aquilla's passing. Being a bereaved mother myself, I just began to follow your grieving process because I've been there. I only get on Blogger every now and then so when I do, I try to make an attempt to catch up on what I've missed.
Hi Liz
Im a lurker. I found your blog through MDC after your post on Aquila's birth. I check in on you from time to time. I cried, and prayed for you. I just saw the update on the board meeting. Oh my. My birth ended safely but was brutal for both of us. There were so many warning signs at your birth though....So many. My warning signs were addressed. I remember thinking my MW sure wasnt hands off when push came to shove... Its still scary though. Im so HAPPY that your having a baby! You cross my mind frequently. Just checking in on you. LOVE LOVE... V
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