I don't feel i can go into much detail as to what occurred at the board meeting. Suffice it to say Faith Beltz received only a slap on the hand, although the board did say that she "skewed up", did not have adequate knowledge, and made poor judgment calls.
I know since the board this is not (by far) the first time this has happened (with the board, not Faith), and i know i am the first parent to show up to one of these to speak out against a midwife (although not the first to file a complaint). And, i know why- Emotionally doing so is like putting yourself through the ringer, only to be humiliated and belittled. I would have been so much easier to just leave it, and move on.
i have been told a few things about myself:
one that i am persistent
two that i have high expectations of myself and others
Another thing i can tell you about myself- i love the truth. Even as a child i was terrible at lying. As an adult it became abhorrent to me.
Anyone who might think i will take this as the end, lay down, and roll over- does not know me very well.
I will leave that at that.
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If it was a public meeting then you can probably go into as much detail as you want, but if it was closed, then I understand that. I just saw that they have a few public members of the Board...something to consider when their terms expire.
it was a public meeting, and anyone can request a tape of it. but i don't want to go into much detail because i want to be careful not to publicly say what my thoughts were, or what direction i may be taking to fight this.
I'm sorry, Liz. I can only imagine how frustrating and upsetting that is :( Good luck as you continue on in trying to get something done, we'll keep you in our prayers.
Liz, you are in my prayers as you work towards a good and fair outcome.
Liz, you know what is right and what is true justice for Aquila. I pray that God will grant you clarity and STRENGTH as you ponder your next steps. Listen to your heart and know many other mamas are with you.
I agree, listen to your heart and do what is right for you. (((HUGS)))
Liz, you've been in my thoughts a lot today. We met a couple times at AM events. I had incredibly hands-off midwives during my oldest child's labor. We had significant complications (posterior & asynclitic, distended bladder during pushing, 60 hour labor), and the midwives were not present or skilled enough to effectively handle them. I thank God our outcome was okay (we transferred to angel CNM's at the hospital). I grieve deeply for your loss.
Baby #2 had even more severe complications (huge baby stuck with shoulder dystocia)... also at home, but this time with involved, extremely competent midwives (both naturopaths and CNMs). They clearly knew when to be hands-on, but also had the sensitivity and natural grace to give space. They delivered him safely.
I've come to be very wary of midwives who promote themselves as "hands-off". I chose my first ones because they were warm, and lovely in prenatals, and came recommended - I had no real understanding of their hands-off philosophy .... however I got the full experience during our labor. Their attention was primarily through this 'hang-back' lens, and as a result they were *far* from present, and did not catch the real physical complications that were happening. I haven't soured on homebirth per se, but I don't believe midwives should practice who are unwilling or unable to see and deal with real, intense, hands-on situations.
Blessings to you, Aquila, and your brood. I support you in all that you are doing.
I am sorry that the board meeting did not turn out the way it should have done. I am in awe of your fighting spirit - Aquila must be very proud of her mother's spirit.
Liz, I am praying for you, and want to encourage you to keep fighting. I am stunned and disillusioned that someone can "screw up" and have a baby die on her watch due to her negligence and a midwifery board takes no action. I mean, where is the pride in your profession? Where is the accountability and concern for the mothers who choose midwifery care?
I am so sorry. But, even from afar, I am proud of you for fighting to find whatever justice can be had in this terrible situation.
Dear Liz,
Have you considered a wrongful death lawsuit? This would not make you "litigious"--it means you would be putting her to her proof, warning other women, and punishing her for her malpractice.
Dear Liz,
Have you considered a wrongful death/malpractice lawsuit? That would put her to her proof, warn other women, and punish her negligence.
I've been following your story at MDC and I was wondering why MDC removed one the threads you were posting in about the midwife's probation. I posted a few questions but when I came back to check the thread was locked and now it seems to be gone. Aren't you allowed to talk about this over there? I was wondering if the board conceded that the midwife should have transported you due to your fever and Aquila's high heart rate. Also, did she admit to falsifying the records? I pray you find truth and peace. I too am very passionate about truth. Remember that the Lord says everything hidden will one day be revealed. Bless you Liz.
sahmmie- the MDC mods are fascists.lol
i chose to not even fight it, because they arnt going to unlock my threads. i thought i was being VERY careful about my wording, but apparently not enough.
the board DID say she should have transported, as well as that she should have taken my blood pressure, pulse, and felt for Aquila's position-which she never did. they also said she should have done some other things- Faith did not admit to falsifying records, though the board chewed her out for her records being so poor.
Thanks for answering my questions, Liz. I was very surprised and annoyed that MDC removed that thread. You certainly have a right to tell your story. I'm glad the board agreed that you should have been transported. It would have been an outrage if they had not conceded to that fact. It's already a tragedy because you lost Aquila and nothing can change that but hopefully your steadfast search for truth and justice will save other lives.
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