Angie over at still lifew with circles and also still life 365 has come up with another amazing prompt. i want to thank her from the bottom of my heart for this spoken blog round up. hearing the voices and seeing the faces of these woman whose blogs i have been reading for so long was monumentally moving. i hope mine contribution can measure up.
here is my video
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2 months ago
Thank you for sharing. You definitely lived up to it. I hope to myself when I get mine made
Oh Liz, there are no words,I'm sobbing here.
What a difficult piece to read. Remembering Aquila and sending love to you.
Liz, I'm so sorry that all of this happened to you. I'm so sorry that your sweet baby girl isn't with you. I'm so sorry for the catastrophic inadequate care you received from your midwife.
I've found you through Angie's blog.
I too wanted a HBAC. My midwife did the right thing and moved me to hospital, but it was there that my word crashed down. Our Joseph died and I lost my womb at the hands of the doctors there. We are also persuing litigation. As if the death of our babies isn't enough.
I'm so incredibly sorry that you didn't get to hold Aquila until 3 days later. That makes my heart break even more for you.
Thankyou for sharing such a raw post. How hard it must have been to take yourself back there. Love and light to you. xo
Thank you for sharing your self and Aquila this way, Liz. This post is so powerful and heartbreaking, and watching and listening to you read it took my breath away. The love and sorrow just radiates from your beautiful face and permeates every syllable you speak.
I wish with all my heart that your beautiful Aquila was in your arms right now. So much love to you.
Liz, I've found your tale through Angie's blog roundup-- this is such a beautiful vlog--- I know it was hard to read that, and your words just made me cry. Bless you, sweet momma. Thank you for sharing.
Oh Liz - I remember reading Aquila's birth story and being heartbroken for you and your daughter. Losing a baby is the worst thing the world and in the circumstances that you lost Aquila ... there are no words, Jeanette is right.
But hearing you reading your own words, oh mama, the pain and the hurt. So unfair, so monumentally unfair.
Oh Liz. Oh no. Oh your poor, dear little girl.
It must have been terribly hard to read this post, to relive that experience. I am so deeply sorry that the care you received was inadequate and even more sorry that this led to your beautiful Aquila's death.
I'm just so sorry, to think of you going from the expectation and anticipation of meeting your little girl to such deep, deep grief in such a short time frame just knocks the breath out of me.
Thank you so sharing your beautiful words and your daughter, in your own voice xoxo
Hello, I am here from Angie's blog. I was on the edge of my seat hearing you read your piece. I am so sorry Aquila died. It is just so wrong. It takes my breath away. sending you love and missing with you.
I can barely type through the sheen of tears. Thank you for sharing this difficult piece.
Sending you many hugs!
My heart breaks at your words. :'( ♥♥♥
Oh, no words here either. Just tears of heartbreak.
From one mother who lost her daughter due to inadequate care to another, my broken heart goes out to you.
Coming from Angie's - your story has me sobbing...thank you for sharing.
I've just come back to your site to watch the video at the bottom of your page, of Aquilla's birth. My heart has broken all over again.
She is a beautiful baby girl and you're an incredible woman and mother. Thank you for sharing her with us. I will certainly be following your story from here on.
With so much love.
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