we just inquired about this sweetheart-

i am feeling very drawn to teen s. i remember the seed for doing foster care being planted by the movie "white oliander" if you have not seen this movie , you should.
if teens in foster care are of any interest to you read this. from this pamplet i learned that in 1998 17,310 teens aged out of foster care. by 2005 the number had jumped to 24,407. the saddest part in the total number of children in foster care has dropped during the same time period from 559,000 to 513,000.
what the heck is going on!>????
1 comment:
She is beautiful,and talented.I have such a heart for teens,we are not in the right place for taking any in right now,as we have a teen on our hands allready.I look forward to how this pans out for you.
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