well, we had our first "granny" visit today. i was able to sit in the room with her (and dad was there too for some reason) for part of the visit, which was great for sweetpea. she got to warm up to them= no screaming !
I also was able to bring up the subject of after the fact, ie if granny gets her can we have anything to do with her again? and to my shock she said she was FINE with me calling up and seeing her anytime! i thank God for his answer to my prayer that i would at least be able to know sweetpea is safe and be able to see her grow up. it dosn't take away the pain of losing her, but it does soften the blow.
she said we could even take her for a weekend if we wanted.
we have two more weeks to wait until the homestudy should be back. i am trying hard to really enjoy and take in the little time i have with my baby.
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2 months ago
I am happy things went so well.
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