Monday, June 2, 2008

our respite placement

we had a respite placement night before last. she is 14, and her foster mom was with her other foster daughter in the hospital over night. this girl was a dream placement. sweet, kind, fun, great with the little kids. her foster mom told me they are trying to find a new home for her before foster mom moves at in three weeks. the problem is, she is long-term foster care. no adoption. i can't see myself staying inside this whole system for another 4 years.


Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Yes,that sounds tough.I wan't to get out of the system asap,I love helping the kids,but dealing with the agencys is so hard.

D said...

I love the excitement of getting a new little one, and knowing I'm giving a safe, loving home for a little while. But system will beat you down in a very short while. Even as your heart hurts for those children.