so sweetpea saw her "dad" for the first time in 2 months today, along with paternal and maternal gramas. she spent the entire hour screaming her head off. i the way those visits are set up. and it breaks my heart to know that if indeed cps decides to place her with p grama, they won't give her any transition time (because she is young). they will just drop her off over there and we won't see her again. but i will know she is crying for us.
visits are so overwhelmingly emotional for me. i feel protective and threatened and at the same time i am so proud of her and i want for them to adore her too. i am all mixed up about even how to feel in this, what direction my emotions should go. i guess i will have a better idea when the paternity test comes back anytime from today till another 4 weeks-if we are expecting them to stick to their own timeline.
sweetpea is just sooooo attached. she is shy baby who developed her stranger anxiety a whole month early. she wont go in a bath or pool with out me holding her close to me.she wont let stangers talk to her without crying unless she is snuggled deep in the sling. i know this is going to be hard on her. i know this is going to be hard on me and my family.
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2 months ago
oh liz, such a precarious position. we are worried for you. i LOVE the pic of her and gabe holding hands. all we can do is hope and pray for the best. obviously, that is one and the same thing for you and for that darlin baby. it seems that by definition, the state is incapable of doing the right thing, except by accident. good luck, sweet woman. for what it's worth, we are sending love.
thanks rebekah :)
nice to see you saying hi a here!
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