today i met with sweetpea's caseworker, and then talked to my caseworker. really i learned nothing new, except B (sweetpea's worker) said that mom would be getting out june 09. i said oh i guess that means she has no way to get her right (which is what they have said all along) but B says, oh no! she can get and extension.. WTF? seriously. i asked her if we could potentially have sweetpea for 18 months and then have to hand her over to her mom who let her other girls get molested by multiple people???? seriously?
apparently yes, seriously.
my caseworker asked me if we wanted to stay on the vaccancy list- meaning would we take another placement. i said no.
honestly i could take any placement knowing sweetpea was leaving. if she did leave, maybe we could do strait foster while we A. start trying to make another baby or B. start the adoption (private/international) process... though who knows if gabe would go for either of these. it's very sad to think about...
oh yes, our state will give them as many chances as they need! Leave for 2 yrs and come back & start a new case plan? NO problem!
I just shake my head...and sometimes cry.
its enough to break your heart. because the kids are the ones who suffer most for it..
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