i am going to write a book and title it "there is no black and white in foster care"
good title huh?
years ago, after going through an investigation prompted by an unfounded report, i was fully entrenched in the idea that CPS was evil. seriously evil. i saw them as baby theaves .
then i watched the movie white oleander. and my heart broke for that . then our pastor did a sermon on how we as Christians do our part to spread Christ's love via services we are drawn to. i knew right away i was drawn to foster care.
so, i started researching, and decided that we defiantly wanted to adopt. so i looked into international special needs adoption. this is it!-i thought. then Gabe balked..no no no international adoption..then we both came to the decision that foster care would be a great idea..
now one year later we have our beautiful 6 month old sweetpea and love her to pieces...
ok were was i going with this??
oh yeah! through this whole process my world view has been turned upside down, and back around. cps sucks. birth parents do terrible things. cps saves kids from horrible stuff. birth parents love thier kids.
there is no black and white even in the most black and white case.someones joy is often someone else's sorrow.
it's enough to make your heart and head ache all at the same time...
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2 months ago
That is a good title :).
I think that is a great idea for you to write a book. You definatly have some talent & passion for writing and this is an interesting topic.
awww thanks
You are so right. Didn't you just love/hate White Oleander? I read the book, waaaaaaaay before we contemplated foster care & I think it was my first inkling foster care even existed! I'd never knew of kids in foster care or anyone who did foster care. I wonder how many people out there have no idea about foster care?
m sure there are plenty of people who dont realize what it is made up of. i just thought of it as "fostercare" and entity. didnt think about why people opened thier homes ect ect.
i want to read the book now!
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