so , poor Sebastian has been sick yesterday and today. no fun fever and terrible diarreah sick. poor baby. anywho, he had been potty-trianed, in underwear for the last two weeks. but diareah can throw a wrench in any potty training success.and boy does it make for a nasty bum rash. and here i am with no disposables, only cloth. but you can't use diaper rah cream with cloth diapers, because it makes them no soak up anymore. so i had a brilliant idea , after remebering two post i read on motheringdotcommune a little while back... one was about uses for breastmilk , one of them was for diaper rashes. the other post was about how someone had (accidentaly) made breastmilk butter when blending her milk (i don't know WHY she was blending her milk, but i digress). So i put 1 and 2 together and decided to make some "diaper cream"AKA breastmilk butter for his poor bum. so i did. i made butter. from my own milk. i rock. lol
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2 months ago
We were watching a science show on discovery recently and just learned this but males(humans) can produce breast milk if needed to feed their young.Now I dont know that all men can do this,but their was a dude on their squirting it out.Never heard of such a thing.Hope your concoxion helps him
i have heard of the drug -domperidone- which i a reflux medication that many people take to increase milk supply, cam ,make males lactate. one of the unpleasant side
that is pretty cool.
Never had enough milk to make butter with it.
Can you imagine what that would go for at Whole Foods?!?!?
lol. 20$ for a tablespoon!
How long did you have to blend it for? Also, did you try eating and if so was it pleasant?
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