so amidst the chaos, i have become overwhelmingly convicted that i should go back to homeschooling Kiryn. School is not the end all be all. they are doing worksheets about money with him. this for the kid who has been using, counting and even figuring tax on REAL money for THREE years. he is bored. i am petrified at the thought of #1 bring him home and having to DEAL with him all day , every day. that kiddo could grate any ones Patience. he has willpower to spare, and sass to match. and #2 the responsibility of EDUCATING him . i mean the kid cant read well yet. he s doing "work" and i am a dismal failure at keeping a schedule. i h8 busy work. i h8 school work. how is he going to like it?
i know what i need to do, but it makes my stomach do flip flops and keeps me awake at night.
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2 months ago
Wow,alot to think about.We are very relaxed,like WAY relaxed schoolers,we dont keep to any serious schedules,we have no busy work,just really good curriculum that gets to the point,then shes free for the day.Her days are alot shorter than most,due to no busy work.I hear you though,it sounds like you would have your hands full.
Hmmmmm... conviction or concern ... always something to carefully pray over. Sound slike your little one has a personality that hits your buttons. Is that going to get worse with the school influences ... or better? Only you can answer that according to God's will for your family. I'll pray for clarity and and a plan for you!
Liz, check out chloe's blog on home schooling this week
Lane is in 11th grade now!!!So our curriculum is highschool,we use apologia for science,and teaching textbooks for math.And use library books,websites for xtra stuff.
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