so Sebastian and Bubbles are coughing and feverish. poor babies.
i swear i have no idea why someone is always sick. my house is messy, but not unsanitary. we wash our hands. we don't eat very much sugar (by we i mean everyone but me!) the kids go to the Y nursery, and my bible study's childcare- but for goodness sake, i am still nursing Sebastian,shouldn't he be well!!???
oh well- this germ isn't so bad, it just cancelled us getting to go out to my Inlaw's house in Wimberley. this was a bummer, cause i need!
but at least they took the well ones (kiryn, tristan, lucca) till Thursday. our house is QUIET with only bad it is the three messiest ones!
on other fronts:
i have two friends whose husbands are/have walked/walking out on them. Bummer
Bubbles aunt passed her homestudy and she will be moving there within two weeks- YAY for bubbles!!
i am 99% sure i will be pulling kiryn out of school when the break ends. i am still waiting to try out some actual schooling (since he is at grama's right now) , but i developed a good reward system, which i think will help him in the house behaviorly. i have also been working out a good schedual- my problem is curriculum.
i am waiting on my free sample of rod and staff math curriculum. i really like math u see, but it is so expensive..
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2 months ago
I may be able to help with some MUS stuff Email me at my blog's name @ gmail. :-)
I don't have R&S math, but I have been using their spelling and I love it. Tell me what you think of the math - Sterling has outgrown his, and Siena is just getting started...
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