today sweetpea was supposed to see her dad (first time in one month) and her grama (the one who they are doing the home study one-first time in two months) but they called and cancelled. i don't know how to feel about this! noone- not the GAL or the caseworker will tell me anything about direction or trajectory of the case. i this waiting..... but look how sweet my baby's hair looks in the bath!
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2 months ago
Sister, I know your pain.
Oliver has been through two rounds of visits. He is currently not having any visitation because both bios lost their rights on the same day--afer 5 opporunities to see him in two and a a half weeks, they each managed to miss three. Seriously. What could hole you back from seeing your child? Nothing short of an actual, physical imprisonment, right? It's just not so with some people ...
Sorry that you're not getting info from the sw. I hear that's the norm. We're with a private agency, so I think we get a bit more than most folks. THat, and I shove brownies and tea down the throats of any social worker who'll come and visit. I'm the nicest foster mom they know. :-) That grin doesn't look devious enough!)
And Sweetpea is GORGEOUS. Can't wait until you can show off her cute face!!!!
we are with a private agency too, and they bend over backwards for u- but unfortunantly the CPS worker wont talk to them either!! lol
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