Sunday, September 7, 2008

still sick and paternity results

everyone is dropping like flys. i am just this morning able to eat anything- its been three days and a loss of 10 pounds and most of my milk. which sucks for sebastian, as all he wants is milk since he STILL has diarrhea. Lucca is still pretty ill and now Gabe and kiryn and (i think) sweetpea are all coming down with it. this bug doesn't mess around i will tell you what. the stomach cramps are liken to being knifed in the belly.
and on a just as yucky note. upon turning on my poor neglected computer, i find sweetpea's worker email me and sweetpea's dad is her dad. so this means they will do a home study on his mom, and our little baby could potentially leave us.
yucky day


- said...

Well on a brighter note, you know how you were looking for a doula avenue to give service to...have you seen this

Lovingmyamazinglife said...


mary grace said...

Oh, crud.

Praying for God's good and perfect will to enlighten all of those who see sweatpea's file.

And for you to get better, of course!

Jennifer said...

dear friend, we are praying for you. health and healing, and peace in His will, even when it might (!?) be hard. so sorry the news came at such a down time.