Wednesday, January 7, 2009


i talked to sweetpea's GAL at about 11 am yesterday- she told me CPS wanted parents to volunteeraly give up rights to Grama to adopt- the GAL said heck NO , she did NOT approve of moving her (there or anywhere). she told me they were still deliberating and she would call me back- i waited ALL DAY LONg, no call. so i called her this morning and got her secretary who said they had not reached any agreement and it would have to be deided by the judge on monday. SO the wait continues... and we have NO IDEA what Monday will bring- so i could certainly use some massive prayer before and during court (9am)- thank you :)


mary grace said...

Holy Cow. You are SO in my prayers. This is one heck of a case you've got for yourself!

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Monday,wow thats so soon,I hope they can come to a answer then.That would be great.