sigh... it has been a hard two weeks, filled with drama!
first i have a relative who has taken to being overley intrusive and judgemental over the things i post in my blog and on my facebook (ie. my life). Even though she hasn't seen me in 2 years, she assumes she knows everything about me and of course everything i am doing wrong. she has it so far off it isn't even funny.
Then to top that off we had major drama via my new placement. she is wonderful, perfect and the sweetest 12 year old you ever met, but there is drama in other ways. she is my very close friend's sister. i have known them both for years. the sister wanted her to be here, because she could not take her for several reasons.then a few days before placement she flips on me, demanding i never ever post about her sister (despite the lack of names pictures ect) i refused, though i did offer to work with her on what i would or wouldnt post. then she decided she didnt want me to take her at all, the night before she needed to be placed, (where she thought she should go right then i have no idea). Dancer was fine with being on my blog, and was reading my blog already!. but now a week later the sister had been talking to Dancer, telling her a million reasons why she should NOT be on my blog , and also personal stuff about me, not in a favorable light. Now sister has decided that Dancer should be placed in her home, like tomorrow and wants me to make that happen! Dancer dosnt want to bounce around (understandably!) and certainly dosnt want to move right now. there is no way i am going to advocate for something that is not want my foster child wants, and that i dont belive is in her best interests (right now) all the issues that made sister not want to take her before are still there. i have seen too many relative placements fall through because of a relative who really should not have been taking more onto their plate.
So now here we are, waiting to see what CPS will do, if they will move her yet again...
on Ruby's note, we met her ADOPOTION WORKER yesterday, praise the Lord! she said in one month the 90 days for relatives to come out of the woodwork will be over then her status will change to an adoptive placement. we will then get a homestudy update and then we can ADOPT!!!
Our house is still a disaster, allthoguh flooring upstairs is being installed yesterday and today. we are still getting estimates for the bathroom rebuild. and our downstairs floor will be installed after april 1st.
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2 months ago
I have never seen anything you post as being odd or weird.You come across as sweet,and love your family.So whatever!I can't believe Ruby will be yours,this is what you wanted all along,and I am glad its happening.The other situation sounds stressful for sure.
aww thanks jill :)
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