are my post negative? i don't find myself to be a negative person. actually i consider myself an optimist. but apparently, according to some i am. and according to some i am that way because i have too many pets and kids. i don't see it this way. my house is 9 times out of 10 a happy place. yes, the flu sucks. taking on a teenage foster placement has it's rough moments...and having your house flood is stressful. but the guy who came to clean up the water told me i was taking it extreamly well. he said many people yell at him. i was laughing, joking and serving him coffee. i take most everything thrown my way with humor. i am sorry to all of you if i have come across as a downer.
I want whatever i present to the world to be real, but in the reality to honor God with all the blessings he has bestowed on us!!
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2 months ago
I don't think you're negative. What's a blog, but a brain dump? A place to put a snipet of your life, not the whole picture. If that's the case, then I only live every few days & 99% of what I dump on there is my negative interactions in foster care. The rest of my life is pretty mundane, nothing you want to read about, because we all, wake up, clean the house, fix dinner, watch tv and go to bed. It's the "different stuff" that we want to read about.
Maybe not everyone understands the things you talk about is just a "minute" in your life.
Let it go. :) Focus on what God has given your hands to work on, your tongue to bless and your heart to love! Don't let one person's perspective cause you to loose sight of how God sees you! He sees a sweet energetic and eager woman with a heart to seek his own! Keep running the race!
Ephesians 6:13-18
13Therefore put on the full armor of God, ..... with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
No, I don't think so. But then I don't read your blog to judge it, just to keep up with your life! And I do really enjoy being able to stay up to date even when I don't get around to calling/visiting :)
Nope,You do a great job.To many kids and pets,def. not!Your great,and I enjoy your blog alot.I do know what you are saying,some weeks I feel like "sad sue",I stuggle to share my life,but not only the negatives at times.Our life is %99.9 great,but the small percent thats negative does get posted as well,mostly so I can ask for advice or guidance.
It really honestly does not matter what anyone else tihnks. What YOU think? Some people will try as hard as they can to bring another person down. Ignore them in a closet far far away.
You are a strong, capable mother. Everyone needs to have somewhere to talk about things going wrong, without judgement or critisism. I totally agree whith each of these replies, as they have each said, in hteir own way: Life is not perfect, sometimes things go wrong, and many times things go right. Hang in there. The ones who critisize have not read all the good things you have written about.
You handled the whole 'water wonderland' much better than most. Keep up the good work.
Well, *I* can read your humor in your posts.... words like "squishy" to describe your flood, and pictures of your child asleep in the dog's bed are just a couple of examples. :)
But you have had your share of drama lately-- most people haven't had the level of excitement you've endured in the last month. I find that most often the critics are touchy because you've peeled back the edge of a scab that formed some time ago, and they forgot the hurt was there until the scab came loose.
Sensitive, much? ;)
thanks everyone. it's difficult being in a tough place and having someone tell you it's your own fault for taking on so much
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