Sunday, March 1, 2009

picts of the flood

good morning everyone!

my squishy bathroom

my bathroom, being gutted

this is what used to be my living, and is now my squished living/dining. the dining room is sealed off with huge fans sucking the humidity out of it.

all the choas has resulted in people sleeping in very odd places. This is Lucca asleep in Bertha's doggie bed.


Lovingmyamazinglife said...

that is nuts!I am so soryr,i cant imagine the stress and frustration.I cant believe one little sink running did all of your insurance paying?

Jaguar Mama said...

the pic of lucca in the dog bed is awesome!!

Liz said...

the adjuster is coming out tomorrow (tues) morning , so we will find out how much they are paying then..

lucca REFUSED to get out of the bed too , she was very happy to sleep there all afternoon.

Kimmie said...

Hi Liz;

I am trusting that God is going to provide for you. Know that I am praying for you and yours.

Cute doggie bed...looks cosy and very welcoming for a nap.

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted