Monday, January 25, 2010


eve said...

sweet mama,

Thank you for sharing your precious pictures of Aquila with all of us. I've prayed for you and thought of your sweet girl often. Another gal who commented put it so well..I know you can't see us when you post, but we're there in the room with you. Crying, hugging, and holding you up sister.
My friend tells stories of when she served in the Peace Corp in Tonga and when someone died all the women in the village would go to their house and grieve with the family, they would wail and sing and cry and hold that family tight for days and days. Know that your sisters in motherhood are there with you..holding and singing your grief with you. Your names are on our lips and our prayers are on the wind.


The Non-Monogamist said...

She is a beautiful baby. I'm so sorry she isn't here with you. I am with these women, surrounding you with love.

Unknown said...

She is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing her with us! hugs, peace, jillian

Brady Maddox said...

I am overwhelmed with emotions for your family and your beautiful baby girl. Thank you so much for sharing her story.